Sunday, June 3, 2012

PG31 Challenge #27 LAW ENFORCEMENT

Today's Verse:Proverbs 31:26 Wycliffe Translation

 26 She opened her mouth to wisdom; and the law of mercy is in her tongue. (She opened her mouth with wisdom; and the law of love, or of kindness, is upon her tongue.)

Key Word: LAW
  1. binding or enforceable rule: a rule of conduct or procedure recognized by a community as binding or enforceable by authority
  2. a piece of legislation

Reflect: As I was talking with my husband the other day, I was brought back to a time in my life that was particularly unpleasant, but yielded an important lesson. I was not raised in a "Christian home". My family environment was one where everyone was versed in the art of profanity. Cursing was as natural as breathing. Thankfully I had many positive role models within my immediate family that modeled something other than the profane. But, for the most part, my atmosphere was continually bombarded with profanity. Of course this law of the land eventually had its effects on the way I talked, spoke, and communicated. After giving my life to Christ, this was my nemesis. I had to renew my mind, and train my tongue to practice another law: the law of kindness. You and I both know  that people are not always obliging in helping you to practice law: you know, the law of kindness. IN fact, some people are willing to go to extra lengths to see you fail in your efforts to renew your mind and renew your tongue. I encourage you today that if you are struggling in this area, whether in thought life, speech, or you are simply realizing that your conversation is continually negative, trust God with your mouth today. Ask the Lord to fill your mouth with good things and your mind with good thoughts. Ask God to teach you the law of kindness. Then, connect with a community of young ladies who are speaking the language of kindness, who can hold you to improving yourself in this area. You cannot expect to fill your ears with worthless talk and be renewed at the same time. You must make some adjustments. With God's grace, you'll find yourself speaking the language of the Kingdom of God, the language that heals and transforms our environment and our inner man. Let the Lord enforce His law that is written in your heart.

ProACTION: In conversation today, call out those who are not operating in the law of kindness. In media programming, change the channel or go to another site if you hear profanity. Reflect today on how many times you had to actively combat negativity and profanity. I would love to hear your thoughts today!

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