Friday, January 13, 2012

Maintaining Integrity in Your Relationships

Relationships. Some say you can't live with them. Others say you can't live without them. Whether you know it or not, you are wired for relationships. They are not always easy, without issue, or stress-free, but make no mistake: God created us to be in relationship. Using the acronym for Integrity, here are some simple ways to maintain integrity in your relationships:

Involve God. My closest friendships are built around common faith and values.

Never compromise God's standard for acceptance. No relationship is worth devaluing your soul.

Tackle difficulties. Don't let disagreements fester and uneasiness linger.

Graciously extend mercy. Relationships are a work in progress on both sides.

Reflect on your motives for what you do, say, and who you interact with.

Invest yourself in the relationship. Don't be notorious for taking and never giving to the relationship.

Tame your tongue.  Relationships have been shipwrecked by words, emails, fb posts, and rude texts.

Yield your relationships to God and trust His guidance. If he says, no, not yet, or not time, trust God.

Proverbs 27:17 says, "You use steel to sharpen steel, and one friend sharpens another." MSG

 Steel sharpens steel. Steel doesn't bash steel.

Positive relationships sharpen your mind, your spirit, your emotions, and bring life to you. If you're in the kind of relationships that sharpen you, I encourage you, to not let them become dull with apathy, disuse, or abuse. Treasure the beauty of flourishing relationships and do all in your power to maintain them.

Joy, Peace, and Church <3