Thursday, May 26, 2011

Moving On To Maturity

It's a beautiful Thursday morning, and as I contemplated what I would write today, this thought came to mind: If there were anything that could make a Pastor's heart glad, what would it be? I believe one key thing is to see the congregation they serve come to a place of maturity in the things of God. I see the following as "things your Pastor would love to take off the list of sermons, to never have to remind you to do". There may be many, but from my perspective here are the top 25:
1. Pray
2. Fast
3. Evangelize
4. Read Your  Bible
5. Study Your Word
6. Worship God
7. Seek God first
8. Give
9. Love One Another
10. Obey God
11. Repent Daily
12. Forgive One Another
13. Come to Services
14. Be On Time For God
15. Serve Wholeheartedly
16. Have Faith In God
17. Trust God To Keep His Word
18. Thank God In Advance
19. Declare the Word in your life
20. Keep your Word
21. Remember God in everything
22. Get Involved in the Local Church
23. Come to the Altar
24. Treat everyone with Compassion
25. Follow Leadership
If we are to move on to maturity as believers, these principles should become ingrained in our nature. As God shared with me once, "Pastoring may be a thankless job on earth, but a thunderous applause is awaiting in heaven." Let's applaud those that lead us by living a life indicative of the Word that is faithfully ministered week after week for the perfecting of the saints and the edifying of the Body of Christ. (Ephesians 4:11-16, Romans 13, Hebrews 6)

Blessings and Church <3!