Tuesday, June 5, 2012

PG31 Challenge #29 Let The Praise Go ON

Today's Verse:Proverbs 31:28

 Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her.


Reflect: One of the things that can put a smile on your face faster than anything else is a compliment. For the Virtuous Woman, "Thank You's & I Appreciate You" can vary. You may be too busy to hear the applause for being encumbered by many things or on the other hand you may be in a place in your life where it seems as if no one is noticing how much time, effort, and mindpower you put into running your office, your school, your household well. Rest assured God knows and he cares. As I reflect back on my years in teaching, one thing that has kept me encouraged is the letters, cards, and even the return of some of my most difficult students back to the classroom to say, "Thank You!" Whether you have natural children, adopted children, god-children, or like me, children who adopted YOU, someone notices the care and concern you show. So, My Sister, don't be weary in well-doing for you will reap if you do not faint. If you're married and it seems as though the praise has stopped flowing, talk with your spouse and communicate your feelings, and remember that praise flows both ways. If you're single, well, this is definitely a characteristic that you want to look for. The mate God has ordained for you may love you, flaws and all, but he will also point out and praise what is good about you. This is part of a healthy relationship. So, Sisters, take heart and continue the work that God has graced you for, making every effort to walk out a life that is worthy of praise!

ProACTION: Take time today to praise ten females that you don't normally spend time with or talk to on a regular basis. If you are single, write 31 qualities you desire in a mate (none can be physical attributes) For those who want to go the extra mile, find and journal 31 verses in the Bible in regards to relationships and/or love.

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