Saturday, May 12, 2012

PG31 Challenge #5 GREAT EXCHANGE

Today's Verse: Proverbs 31:14

 She is like the ships of the merchant; she brings her food from afar. (ESV)

Key Word: Enterprising

Reflect: She is like the merchant ships,.... Not like a single one, but like a navy of them, that cross the seas, go to foreign parts, and come back laden with rich goods: so the church of Christ, and her true members, like ships of burden, trade to heaven, by prayer and other religious exercises, and return with the riches of grace and mercy, to help them in time of need; and though they have often difficult and dangerous passages, are tossed with tempests, and covered with billows; yet, Christ being their pilot, faith their sail, and hope their anchor, they weather the seas, ride out all storms, and come safe home with their merchandise (Gills Exposition of the Entire Bible)

What an awesome picture! I've heard the saying, "She's a brick house" but God calls us a fleet of merchant ships! You Woman of Virtue are praised today as an enterprising Woman, a woman who imports and exports the best for your house, who is willing to go the distance even for that which nourishes. With God as the Capatain of our ship, we can rest in the storms of life, we can enjoy the smooth sailing and allow him to guide us. Have you gotten on board in WorSHIP? In FellowSHIP? In RelationSHIP with God? We can make no positive, great exchange in this life that lasts without Jesus, the Captain of our Soul. In intimacy with Him, we can export the cares of this life, the weight of this world, and import his love, joy, peace, goodness, meekness, gentleness, self-control, and faith among other things. We can make an exchange today, and load ourselves with the daily benefits found in the presence of God. You, Woman of God are carrying precious cargo--YOU! You've got gifts, talents, abilities, and a personality specifically designed to bless this world. So, take the load off today, and load up on righteousness, peace, and joy in the presence of God. Only then can you truly unload your purpose.

ProACTION: Express your love for the Lord using some form of the arts today (singing, drawing, dancing, writing, playing a musical piece) and share with someone 10 years younger than you. Then listen to what they have to say.

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