Wednesday, August 7, 2013

GPS- Girl Power Safety Tips (All ages & stages)

Put on the whole armor of God, 
that you may be able to stand 
against the schemes of the devil. 
Ephesians 6:11

Ladies, if we will be honest, we have spent more time teaching young girls to put on their make up correctly, how to put their hair together, how to accessorize, and many other things that just come natural to the world of femininity. But in all of this...let's not forget to help young ladies put on the whole armor of God. Today's world is dangerous for girls. Yes, there is a war on Women. It's been waging against fierce females, and women who know what God has called them to carry for centuries.

As I was praying before the Lord, he began to speak to me about the very practical things young women can do to protect themselves in an openly hostile world. Here are some practical GPS (Girl Power Safety) tips that can help you along the way as a budding young adult and young woman in general. 

1. Always be honest about who you are with and where you are going. If something goes wrong, those who love you are going to look for you the last place YOU said you were headed and with the person YOU said you would be with. Really, honesty is the best policy and has saved many lives.

2. Never accept an open drink or food from a stranger or someone you don't know very well.  There have been several cases in the news of late with young girls who were drugged, sexually assaulted, and even recorded by their "friends" for amusement and posted online. This tragedy has led to further tragedy for those families whose children committed suicide, overwhelmed by shame.

3. Always have enough money to make a phone call or take public transportation if you need to leave an unsafe situation. I've heard too many stories of girls who felt like they had no way out because they had no money, they were not driving, etc. If you cannot pay your way, it may be a good idea to sit this one out.

4. If you begin to feel uneasy about a situation, but your friends seem "cool" with it, and ignore you, don't ignore YOUR GUT FEELING. Call your parents or an adult you trust to come and get you or leave if you have transportation and money.

 The fear of the Lord leads to life, and whoever has it rests satisfied; he will not be visited by harm. Proverbs 19:23

5. Do not allow someone who is "interested" in you to pay your way, especially if you have NO interest in them. Unfortunately, some people equate acceptance of a gift or "let me buy you a drink" as 1) interest 2) ownership or 3) control. And...when you show no interest, this can create feelings of rejection. So, if you have no interest? Pay your own way. Never put yourself in a position to feel obligated because of a gift.

6. Avoid partaking in anything that will alter your ability to make clear and timely decisions. Thus- drinking alcohol or doing illegal drugs  should be out of the question. Both of these alter your ability to make sound decisions. I met a dear woman who was wheelchair bound. Her story? She left a party, high on marijuana and headed home. Her reaction time was slowed and she got into a near fatal car accident. It only takes one bad or untimely decision to change the course of your life.

7.If you or your driver are ever flagged by law enforcement, continue driving and pull over at a well lit stop in PUBLIC view. With instances of police abuse on the rise, it is better to have more than one witness. Most officers are law abiding, but one can never be too careful. If the car is unmarked, call 911 and keep them on the line, stating where you are, and that you have been pulled over. 

8.Even if you are NOT driving, always be aware of your surroundings. Note exits, and landmarks. Use that I phone or Android, and take a snapshot of your surroundings when you get there.

9. Look as cute and glam as you want--but dress sensibly. My test for dressing up? If I had to run, could I actually run?  

10. STAY with your friends in unfamiliar settings. Avoid going off alone with someone you do not know. This is especially important when traveling overseas or to high risk countries known for kidnapping tourists. 
I normally do not write pieces like this, but I felt impressed by the Holy Spirit to put these in writing. Pass them on to your daughters, college friends, sisters, and aunts. 

 You, O Lord, will keep them; you will guard us from this generation forever.Psalm 12:7

My Prayer: Father, thank you for your wisdom and your counsel. Guide us in our friendships, our social activities, and our choices. Let us lean on the good counsel you have placed in our lives so that we will not open ourselves to any snare or trick of the enemy. Thank you for your love! Amen.

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