Wednesday, May 23, 2012

PG31 Challenge #16 WHOLLY HELPING

Today's Verse:Proverbs 31:20

 She spreadeth out her hand to the poor; yea, she reacheth forth her hands to the needy

Key Word: HANDS

Reflect: Notice with the Virtuous Woman that both her hands are involved in the process of serving. This is a proactive woman, who takes the initiative. She doesn't wait for the need to find her. She is giving both liberally and laregely. We must not only give outwardly but inwardly. I have seen women who demonstrate giving in a very practical way, yet their words cut and give no healing. I've also seen the reverse: Women who bless, but will not lift a hand to do more than offer a kind word. We can give in action yet never speak an affirming word, or we can be guilty of speaking wonderful words, but never stepping out to align our actions with those words. We must be ready to give an answer for the hope that lies within us. Sometimes that will be through our prayer closet, other times it may be through our food closet or clothes closet. Many times it will be both. May God give us His discernment of how to be the hands, feet, and heart of Jesus today.

By word or deed, or both, affirm five of your sisters today. If you can do it in person, all the better. Your reaching out may be the Word or Act of encouragement to pull them out of depression, despair, insecurity, or unsurety today.

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