Monday, October 31, 2011

Close the Door on Open Marriage

Much conversation has been bandied about on the subject of marriage in the media. Many "experts" have given their opinion on the subject, particularly on the "openess" of the marital union.

Here's what the Bible says regarding the marital union.

Marriage is honorable in all and the bed undefiled, but whoremongerers and adulterers God will judge. If you understand those terms, you can't possibly OK an open marriage. Just because society deems something as appropriate or politically correct doesn't mean it's okay in the eyes of God.

When you involve a third party in what should be a sacred covenant between two people, you are violating the original purpose and intent of the union and there are bound to be severe consequences.

Beyond the potential for divorce, STD's, HIV, crimes of passion, and mental health issues, there is something more eternal at stake: your soul. The Bible says that sexual sin is the only sin you commit against your own soul. You wear away at the fabric of who you are when you commit sexual sin.

This practice of open marriage is not new, simply coined under a different name, but the results are the same: spiritual death. I urge you to study the marriage covenant if you desire to be married and strengthen your marriage covenant if you are married by renewing your commitment to "forsake all others."

Marriage is the mystery of Christ and the Church unraveled to a dying world. As believers, we cannot operate in the ways of the world. As God told Cain, "sin is crouching at the door." This doctrine of devils being aired, and promoted heavily in the African-American community as "the new divorce", must be exposed and dealt with.

Marriage defined God's way produces life and peace. Marriage defiled by the world's standards produces death, despair, destruction, and disillusionment. Close the door on the open marriage doctrine by taking a stand to keep your covenant between you, your spouse, and the God who designed it.


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