Friday, May 25, 2012

PG31 Challenge #18 COVERED

Today's Verse:Proverbs 31:21

 She is not afraid for her household when it snows,
for all in her household are doubly clothed. HCS

She is not afraid of snow for her household,
For all her household is clothed with scarlet. NKJV


Reflect: As I was meditating on this verse, I came upon something that I hadn't seen before. Even though I've read it plenty of times, this thought seemed to magnify: this virtuous woman is covering her family in prayer and the blood of Christ. I shared it with my husband, and he encouraged some more in-depth study. Turns out, the "scholars" thought this was the case too, upon further investigation. In the natural, this speaks to the virtuous woman not having concern for the health and comfort of her family during the winter. The word clothed here is translated "doubly clothed", both inwardly and outwardly.

Spiritually speaking, we want our families doubly clothed. I know I do! I want my family covered and clothed naturally, but also spiritually. How do we cover our families spiritually? Through prayer, through applying the blood of Christ for protection, even as the children of Israel covered their post and lintel during Passover. Jesus Christ, our Passover Lamb provides protection for our households. Christ's righteousness is the robe we put on when we accept what He did on the cross. Righteousness becomes our shelter from the storms of life. Our justification comes from receiving by Faith what Christ has done for us. Virtuous Woman, take your concerns to God today.He is our Covering.

ProACTION: Draw the number 31 in block lettering and write inside 31 things you want God to cover today. Let's pray: Father, thank you for knowing the things of my heart. I lay them before you today, these issues, these people, these things, and ask that you cover them as you have covered me. I trust you to take care of every person and issue either supernaturally or through the wisdom you will give to me, in Jesus Name. Amen.

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