Friday, May 18, 2012

PG31 Challenge #11 Confidently FLY

Today's Verse:Proverbs 31:17

 She dresses herself  with strength and makes her arms strong. ESV

Key Phrase: Dressed With Strength

Reflect: It's the event of the year, the event you have been waiting for: a going away party, an engagement party, a promotion party, a retirement party, and Proverbs Woman, you must look fly.So, you splurge: Louboutins? Check. Prada bag? Check. Tiffany& Co? Check. Your favorite scent? Check. Spa day? Check. You're decked out and sure to be the talk of the evening, but how much time did you spend preparing your inner woman? Woman of Virtue, God wants you to deck out your inner woman with the same care and attention to detail, and He wants you to do it daily. The verse tells us, that the Virtuous Woman takes care to dress herself with strength. How can we do that daily? It starts with prayer. Prayer is the undergarment for our spirit man. 1 Peter 5:5 tells us to be clothed with humility. Humility is strength restrained. She makes her arms strong. God wants us to make our arms strong by carrying our burdens to him and laying them at his feet. Where we leave the burden is where we can pick up His yoke, His anointing to handle the situations we face on a daily basis. His strength is made perfect in our weaknesses. When we humble ourselves and admit we cannot fix it, complete it, or handle it without God, He makes a great exchange with us in prayer. We can face the world confidently looking fly on the inside and the outside. To help me remember this, God said FLY stands for Fully Loving You. When you love yourself and see yourself the way God sees you, you spend the time getting dressed for success!

ProACTION: Take a picture of your FLY self today and post online and/or share what God has given you strength to do today! (Testify!)

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